Quote Originally Posted by Quero View Post
Not really a case of ruffled feathers. I just have precious little patience for hyperbole and sweeping statements spouted by people who set themselves up as speaking with authority when they actually have the facts wrong. (I've been told by the OP that it's called "humour" and I guess it is pretty funny to see him make himself look like a git. ROFL

and I hope your subsequent postings actually contribute to discussions rather than just trying to stir things up.

# I don't see myself as having been made a git at all.

# Also I did not at any time mention that I was speaking with authority

" I just have precious little patience for hyperbole and sweeping statements "

My post was to mention a genuine PADI direction, in a light hearted way, and it seems it was seen that way by others.

I am a PADI certified diver, and have also certified under the club system with BSAC (in 1974), so I have seen both types of Diver eduction ... the long detailed, but low cost non-profit making club method, and the pure business approach of PADI.
Having been invloved with both - I am happy to pass comments - but as a diver, not as someone who as you say "set themselves up as speaking with authority"

In my post the only facts I quoted are correct ... that PADI offer e-learning, and teh full face mask speciality, the rest was jest.

I received an email yesterday prompting me that I had joined the forum, but never made a post, and invited me to do so.
I did, and it seems I am castigated for my first post - should I have just meekly paid homage to somebody first ?

I understood that unmoderated forums were places for people to discuss what they wanted to, (diving related) and readers could choose to read or ignore.

I dive for fun, not for income, and I take part in various forums for fun & information exchange. (and sometimes education), and banter.
Other forums welcome such people ... if this forum is only for 'serious exchanges' .. then I don't belong here and I'll happily delete my subscription.