hello I'm T Jack I've been reading some of the conversations for some time however being quite computer iliterate it has taken me a while to be able to join in I'm relitively new to the sport having been certified here in Madison Wi in Oct. 2003 Open water dives in a muddy lake and an ice cold quarry prior to a trip to Belize There I dove the first day at Hol Chan I thought this is nice this is cool but it did't blow me away The next day I dove outside the reef Irolled off the boat and thought I was dropping into the grand canyon my eyes were probably as big as saucers in my mask I'll never forget that day or that dive for that was when I was hooked Since I've been fortunate enough to revisit the carribean several times belize 4 coz 4 roatan twice and grand cayman for a stop on acruise Ive also tried diving the wrecks off North Carolina and some diving in the florida keys Enjoying the viz in the atols off belize and the clear water in coz I'm more of a reef diver than a wreck diver What I really enjoying doing is taking pictures so I can relive the dives in the long cold winters we have here A special note to Manta Ray I love you're dog I have 2 Shar-Pei of my own