I am an Norwegian Instructor based in Davao City. I have lived in the Phillipines for almost 2 years and enjoy it very much.

Not necesarily cause its a beautiful city or cause I daily face death driving around on my Honda 200, Not even cause the air is cleaner than Manilla.. I really hope it is though...

I do however think it is cause people here are great! And even if I obvioulsy dont know how to drive, cause I now and then face the hard truth of eating gravel and what else is found on concrete roads.. I am happy to say that driving the way i do here, would have gotten me in prison for lifetime in any country in Europe..
But this was not going to be about driving, I do also spend quite a bit of time underwater with students and without them, I enjoy both even if my camera at the moment is ..not working.. which is extremely annoying..passing by Ghost pipefish number 10, seahorse number 2 and the flambuoyant cuttlefish...

We have freedom to dive here and its cheap. Most divers know eachother as good friends or by name and face.

I am fairly new to diving, but have learned from the best.. and for being as young as I am ..like to think so anyway.. I considder myself an good diver and responsible Instructor..

Too much...

Thats me. Looking forward to read your inputs and make some contributions myself.
