Hello fellow divers,
Well, this is my first ever forum or chat room that I've participated in. I've read through some of the threads and found it interesting. I'm hoping to bring the Northern California Coast perspective into the mix. I have been diving for 20 years, most all of it on the N. Coast from Monterey/Carmel all the way up to Fort Bragg. I've done some diving in the Channel Islands on the Truth Aquatics Boats and have dove the Yukon Wreck in San Diego, liked all of it down there. Tropically I've only dove the Hawaiin Islands, about five different trips there, loved all of it! My main fortay is shooting film, spear fishing and Abalone collecting. I am Divemaster certified. I only went that far so that when I went on boat dives, they could feel comfortable enough to leave me the heck alone! Nothing worse than being a serious photographer and getting paired with a reef crushing beginner. But don't get me wrong, I love diving with beginners to help them enjoy and succeed in this wonderful sport (we all went through it!). As I learn to be more computer literate, I hope to place some pics in the forum. I wanted to hook up with some other N. Coast divers, but found out that I'm the only one in here. So, I give an open invite to any of you wishing to see and dive the N. Coast. My dive buddies are getting too lazy and don't seem to be as enthusiastic as they once were. I on the other hand, still get excited like a kid on his first roller coaster ride every single time I pull up to the ocean. So until that feeling doesn't happen anymore, I can't even imagine not diving on a regular basis. I dive out of my own inflatable, you don't have to go far up here for totally awesome diving. Most places we come back in for some lunch after the first dive. It really is spectacular up here, and if you can handle wet or dry suit diving you'll be very pleased. The pinnacles in Carmel are worth the trip alone! Well, I've been blabbin for quite some time now! Hope to hear from someone soon!