In the afternoon we repeated the whole process with snacks in between the afternoon dives and many of them where at the same place so that after dinner you had a good feeling for the dive area. I missed the night dives due to my ears and flooding my dive light on a morning wreck dive, it was my fault due to being too ready to go and not replacing the plug on my charge port! So I did a number of transition dives, but missed some very good night dives! My biggest impression on the Solomon Islands was the diversity and number of Critters you could find on anyone dive! It was almost impossible to decide between Macro and Wide Angle lenses?! Belinda the DM tried her best to inform us of her best guess and the good news was whatever you chose to mount on your camera you found plenty to shot!

On of the examples of this was a wall dive that had a lot of Macro stuff and behind us a good possibility of Pelagics behind us and as it would happen a rare Sea Salp was floating by just off the wall!

In over 40 years of diving I have only seen a hand full of these beautiful creatures and this was the second biggest one I have seen, the largest was at Dog Rocks in the Exumas.....

But on the wall was a number of Nudies and cool stuff along with a turtle tucked away from the current trying to nap!

So what would you have done? Decisions decisions, I know they are tough but someone has to do it! I had a great solution and that is a 18mm-135mm Canon Lens in a dome port, not always the best choice, but very versatile and a great compromise. A dedicated lens will always give you a better picture, but some times no picture at all!

More to come!