We've been saying for years that until such time airports do nude searches in including body cavities, everything they are currently doing is security theater.

Richard Reid, the Muslim shoe bomber said he came up with the idea of hiding explosive sin his shoes by watching the government agents and seeing what they did not search. Airports now make people take off their shoes, but why not their clothes?

The Christmas Day Muslim bomber from Nigeria just hid binary explosives in his underwear, so rhetorically speaking, why are they not searching people's underwear?

Al Qaeda already has taken a cue from drug smugglers and recently tried to assassinate Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef, head of Saudi Arabia's counter terrorism operations.

Abdullah Asier, a Muslim Al Qaeda operative secreted 1 pound of plastic explosives plus a detonator up his rearend, and during a conversation with his intended victim, a text message was sent to the detonator which triggered the explosives 14 seconds later.

The moral of the story is, if they are not going to effectively stop bombers from boarding airplanes, then why bother taking nude pictures of passengers and pictures of nude children if it accomplishes nothing but allowing the government to take nude pictures of adults and children but not stop terrorists?