We manufacture an alternate to christo-lube it is called TRIBOLUBE and was shown as a major competitor this year at dema (last week in Vegas)

Quote Originally Posted by The Publisher View Post
NewDiver, welcome to the ScubaMagazine.net Community!

Nice computer choice by the way. Of course the lawyers will require that we tell you to read and follow the computer manual.

Having said that, most who are not familiar will take their rig to their local dive shop where they bought their toys and have them show you how to hook it up,program it and use it.

Normally a hose based computer screws into one of the high pressure ports on your first stage. You have to be able to recognize the difference between the HP and LP ports. Normally the 1st stage area ports have markings such as LP and HP, which tend to be dead give away! lol.

Since the o-ring does the sealing, normally it does not require a supertanker load of torque to get it to seal. Check your manual to see if they have a torque recommendation. For me, I just snug the thing down and make sure the o-ring is the superior Viton o-ring and then lube the o-ring it with Christolube, but again, refer to your user manual!

If you've lost it, Aeris has one online that can be found here

Of course, the lawyers say I should tell you to make sure the manual is the right one for your computer. Geez, I know! lol