Remember! When you can win with the facts you insult and tear down the messenger! It is an old Political left wing trick! It is what Stalin wrote for his KGB to discredit those that opposed communism! The were showing old 1930s US pictures into the 1980 to show their people how backwards we were! LOL So watch out for the same tactics here as well! Point out the "Right Winger" and make fun of them for their stance on life? Or less government? Self-significance's, or less taxes to support poor science?

The Science world has a few black eyes that are interesting:
In the early Seventies there was an oil spill in a cove in Baja California and the oil company promised to pay for clean up and to study the cove for it's environmental impact!

Well the study went on for a few years and the scientist reports were dire to say the least and he was always complaining about the work load! The oil company sent down another Scientist only to find the first one in a hammock over looking a pristine bay! The oil had an impact it kill off an invader species and allowed a more natural environment to reestablish in the bay! The point is the Fox has no incentive to call of the fact that the "Sky is falling" when you can collect all the chickens that you want!

In addition read George Orwell's 1984 and you will see that government needs an enemy and we are the ultimate ENEMY of the earth! You know we who evolved from Primates and are told all the time we are animals! Yet so how we aren't a natural part of the environment? Go figure!