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Thread: Diver Killed by Shark

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  1. #11
    Photo & Videographer Papa Bear's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    Really this holier than thou stuff needs to end! Now your a shark expert? Hummm? Well the shark does not know it is chum! It knows it's an opportunity to feed! Is it different than when there is no food? Yes, but we all understand that! Whats the different if you spend months at sea and find a whale carcase and watch the sharks feed? None! If you knew anything about sharks you would not be here telling people how they should not deal with them in a feed! I would rather feed them than fin them! So point your efforts someplace worth while!

    If you don't want to go then don't but don't sit behind your computer and tell others how to do something! You have stated they are stopping them for the sake of the environment and that is my point! It's non of your business! Fisherman chum all the time! You know what chum is but the shark doesn't! The world is suffering now it alls that want to control everything! Are you one? There is no evidence that chumming has any adverse effect! Another "Feel Good" deal! "I don't like it" so it must be bad! Please, we threw your tea in the harbor a long time ago and if I want to throw fish heads into the water I will!

    The fish die in the ocean! They defaecate and urinate in it to! So where did the chum come from? It came from the ocean and it is being returned! This idea that anything man does is not natural is defecation! We are a part of nature! What about all the fish guts from fish markets along the coast that have been put back for a thousand years?

    So I knew some politicians backed by knuckle heads would stop something else in the name of the environment! When are we going to wake up when those same knuckle heads say SCUBA is not natural and we have to stop it?

    Take up Cricket will you!

    BTW this is not a personal attack, but it is an attack on your misplaced ideas of how to feel good about the environment! Shark encounters do more good to promote understanding than any harm that you think might come from this activity!
    Last edited by Papa Bear; 02-27-2008 at 03:31 PM.
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