We have just returned from Governor Generoso where we met the Governor, Mayor and many local officials who are actively trying to promote diving and eco tourism in that area.

Though we were prevented from diving due to the sea state, this area promises to have some of the best diving in the Philippines. It's open to the sea and - by all accounts - has plenty of shark, rays, jack and tuna. Many people there - and here in Davao - have reported sighting of tiger shark in this area (towards Cape St Augustine). In fact, I have a good diver friend who saw a tiger shark there a couple of years ago.

We have some friends who are going back there this week to check a few sites out. The area is stunningly beautiful and - regardless what people think - is extremely safe with great local people who are incredibly hospitable.

My wife and I are leaving the Philippines for a couple of months to dive the Turkish South Mediterranean (an area we know well) but will return to Davao in October. We are planning a week or so of exploratory diving there when we return. Are there any experienced divers who might be interested in joining us to open up dive tourism there? Accomodation will be tents on the beach and all costs to be shared (no profits). Photographers/videographers are partticularly welcome. Please send me a private message if you are interested in further information. Thanks.