All good points BamaCaveDiver,
I just don't like to sift through the one liners, I feel like TOO many of them are throw away lines. You are correct that I have NO way of knowing which are which, and in fact, just because someone didn't know the victim doesn't mean that they aren't sorry. For instance, maybe it was your favorite dive spot and the victim was a new father, and those two things hit home for you, so you feel a pang. YUP, I get it, and its very therapeutic to post a condolence, I am completely on board..... I HATE reading them. Maybe its because it forces me to consider my own mortality, dunno.

As for the armchair quarterbacks, I don't mind those clowns. I like to read NTSB air transportation reports to learn from them, sadly diving has no real equivalent. But the armchair quarterbacks do make us (well me anyway) consider other things. For instance there was a thread about a possibly overweighted, possibly panicked diver fatality recently on another board. The first 10 or so pages were pretty valuable, yup, LOTS of speculation, but it made me consider both panic and overweighting, were they a factor in that particular accident? I have no idea, but I did learn from others speculations.