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Thread: Amazing video of tech diver rescuing freediver

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  1. #5
    Registered Users
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    Jan 2007


    First off, this isn't freediving - this is what is termed "No Limits diving" There is no physical exertion involved here. Many in the freediving community don't even consider this something to discuss - including myself. I have talked with several world class athletes including Pipin, Audrey Mestre (before her fatal accident), Tanya Streeter, Herbert Nitsch, etc - They do this more for scientific study than anything else.

    BTW - Tom Seitas - the freediver in the video, holds the worlds record for static apnea - just shy of 9 minutes I believe.

    Unless you have truly received proper freedive training and experience it for yourself - scuba divers will continue to make uninformed statements like freedivers being out of their minds. I USE to blow bubbles - now I wonder why anyone would - except if they were needing to. I would rather grab my long blades, low volume mask and snorkel and take my housed video camera and freedive ALL DAY LONG up to 20 meters and shoot video than lug all that extra gear around - my back long ago thanked me for that decision...

    Anyone wanting to know what freediving is really about, ask away - I'll do my best to answer as succinctly and honestly as I can.
    Last edited by freediver; 01-09-2007 at 03:00 PM.

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