Hi everyone! My name is Frankie and I am a recently certified diver (May 2007). Thus far, including yesterday, I have completed my 8th dive. Yesterday, I went to Dutch Springs in Pennsylvania and had a great time.

My best dive so far was at Walt Disney World at EPCOT. On my 5th dive, I dove EPCOTs "The Living Seas". The guys who ran this program are top-notch professionals. The marine life was incredible, including 8 sharks (sand tigers and nurse sharks), sea turtles, rays, and hundreds of other fish. The best part was that my family was able to watch me dive. My daughter recorded the dive from the viewing area and the Dive Quest guys video taped the first 20 minutes of the dive. We got 50 minutes of bottom time, which was absolutely the best. If you are planning a trip to Disney, you should take the time to do this. It only fueled my desire to dive more and more.

My current goals for diving include gaining more experience through quarry and ocean dives and taking specialty classes. I am fortunate that I have a family that supports my new hobby, escpecially my wife. Besides, she can't wait to go to Mexico and sit on the beach!

Hope everyone has a great summer and awesome dive season.

Stay Wet!