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Thread: Scuba Diving for Golf Balls

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  1. #1
    Registered Users Zero's Avatar
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    We dont have alligators here but we do have big crocs up north but i think they would be the least of your worries.


  2. #2
    Wreck Diving Moderator acelockco's Avatar
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    I don't know much about crocs, but if they behave like alligators, I would not go near that water. I would rather swim with a great white than with gators.

    But all things considered, this sounds like it could be something that could work out well. You only get up to 20 cents per ball if perfect, and less depending on condition, so you would need to find a LOT of golf balls. I bet you could get a lot without even diving though.

    Back home we used to go digging for clams. You would use a metal rake and wade into the muddy marsh areas and dig them out at low tide. I am sure a similar technique would work for golf balls. Plus you could wack a giant eel or snake with the rake if you really had to. LOL

  3. #3
    Cave Diver BamaCaveDiver's Avatar
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    Crocs are much more aggresive (at least the salty's are) than gators; the only time you really have to fear being close to a gator is when a big bull is staking out his domain during breeding season, or when a cow is sitting on her nest. I doubt you see very many bulls claiming a golf course pond as their private breeding grounds, and it is as unlikely that you will find a cow making a nest so close to human activity. Most of what you will find in a golf course pond will be younger juveniles just looking for a safe place to grow big before moving on to better forays. There is a much greater danger of encountering snakes in that golf pond.

    If you want to make good money retrieving golf balls, just make contact with your local driving ranges. You can go about it much like clamming, draggin the bottom with a rake like device, but you will accomplish more if you are actually in the water actively searching.

    Would I pay someone to teach me how to break into the business and make a fortune? Hell no, but then I never watch infomercials on late night TV either. Those who make the most at this practice are situated close to large courses with a number of driving ranges close by to sell the fruits of their labor to. All it really takes is enough common sense to deduce whether or not there is a sustainable market within your home area. I used to make good money as a kid fishing balls out of the ponds in FL; I doubt seriously if I would have the same luck up here in KY.

  4. #4
    RME-Diver Commercial Diving LLC, available nationally for underwater construction, demolition, inspection, salvage.

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