You can have all the redundant equipment, know how to use it, take actions accordingly and come home many many times. I solo dive as well. I prefer it.
I bet 80% of divers (I don't know the real number, I'm trying to stress a point)dive solo in one form or another. Next time you're diving, watch other 'pairs' of divers and see how often they check on each other, how often they check their guages, come up together, dive within arms reach, etc..
It boils down to accepting there will be no one to assist you in time of need. Not fearing death or dwell on it.
I am happy to read you are interested in solo diving and that you are looking for instruction on the art/techique of solo diving. The Instructor is your foundation. Make sure you seek the best one and practice the Standard Operating Procedures taught to you. They will serve as the foundation for the reason why you come home after every dive.

Dive Safe,