But then again, if there weren't so many f*$%ing lawyers ready to pounce over ANYTHING (which remember is ONLY about his/her bank account, not ethics), none of this would really even matter. I agree that women should be insulted, but it doesn't seem to matter (the double standard). Lawyers don't give a hoot because they walk away with a check - and, well, isn't that really what todays world is about?

I say if women want to start clubs ONLY for women, why not call 'em lesbian clubs. This way no one pays any attention. Otherwise, making a stink about mens clubs becomes the achilles heel for what women were trying to achieve to begin with. Hmm, but I say again - it isn't REALLY about equality, is it.

Women like to see men as stupid anyway, why did they ever even want to join mens clubs to begin with?

Same double standard exists with these female teachers boppin the male students. Sure they get reemed publicly, but not quite to the degree a man would if he does the same with a female student. "He" is considered a 'rapist', while "she" has 'emotional problems'. err, not very logical.
