Quote Originally Posted by freediver View Post
Sorry to burst the bubbles of the macophiles but a PC is just as powerful for video editing as a MAC.

Anyone who thinks they will become a better shooter/editor because they use a MAC are living in a dream world. You have limited options on a MAC and I have seen as good if not better results produced on a PC running PPro, Vegas 7, Edius, Avid Express, etc.

If you own a MAC that's one thing, but to say a PC is inferior to a MAC is a subjective statement. I have worked on both platforms and feel that for the money, SONY's Vegas 7 running on Windows XP Pro in many ways, surpasses what FCP can do.

Even SONY's consumer Vegas Movie Studio Platinum Edition blows away Final Cut Express - and at almost 1/3 the cost - and handles HDV as well.

SONY's apps are known for outright stability on the most modest of hardware specs - I have even read about MAC users running Parallels just so they can run a copy of Vegas on their Macbooks.

SONY gives you the opportunity to download a fully functional 30 day trial of Vegas Studio Platinum here and their Pro NLE Vegas 7 here to see what their products can do.

I highly recommend it for any PC users out there.
I have worked on a PC platform for quite a few years. I have been a PC user for many years. I have worked in the IT industry for 20 years and am a MCSE and have used a lot of PC editing software for my video. I took a look at Finaly Cut Studio and went straight out and got myself an iMac 20 and it's the best thing that I have ever done.

I still use the PC for little bits but my Mac with FCS is the tool for me.
