Dive Accident Scenario
> diver 1 and diver 2 go out to a cold water lake to make a dive to
100ft then a second dive to 80ft both divers are wearing 6.5 wetsuits.
> They both have decided on a dive plan that includes making a down
line several yards off the shoreline that has a known depth of 100ft and
once the down line is completed they will dive to the bottom and diver 2
will go out 20 to 30 ft from the down line in a due north direction,
then return to the down line, diver 1 (repeat) and they agree to use the
standard safety procedures in-case something happens.
> Here We Go
> diver 1 and 2 successfully make a down line. then ok ok lets go
diving signals.
> as both divers are at 100ft/Bottom diver 2 goes out using a compass
to the north along the bottom. diver 1 watches until a big plum of silt
clouds up the water. diver 1 cant see diver 2 at all but awaits diver
2s return. after a short time diver 1 starts the 1 minute countdown and
after that will return to surface to connect with diver 2. diver 1
using the down line does the proper off gasing and returns to the surface
where diver 2 is floating motionless. diver 2 DIVER 2 are you OK. no
response from diver 2. diver 1 swims over to diver 2 and repeats.
> no response still from diver 2. diver 1 checks diver 2s breathing and
its shallow. diver 1 reaches for diver 2s detachable weight pack and it
is missing, as diver 1 inflates diver 2s BCD diver 1 finds and releases
diver 2s other detachable weights sending them to the Abyss.
> diver 1 carries diver 2 onshore and removes diver 2s BCD then runs
over to the vehicle and calls 911. What Is Your Emergency ?
> my name is diver 1 and I was diving with another diver named diver 2
and I lost contact with diver 2 at the bottom of a cold water lake
located at blankity blank and I found diver 2 floating on the surface when
I returned to surface. diver 2 is not responsive but is breathing
> We Are Sending EMTs NOW.
> While Waiting
> What else can diver 1 do for diver 2 till the EMTs arrive ???
> Mike

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