i tried to take a HEAVY Intro diver against a current, apollo splits and atomic splits were terrible, no use whatso ever, my quatro's on the otherhand, tackle it great.
i think is also has alot to do with leg strengh, i have strong legs, the splits compleately bent and i just wasnt getting anywhere.
in generally calm waters, love them, best thing there is.
the Quatro's very good aswell.
just started useing Jets trying them out. WOW, i want to tell you, they are flexable, not as tough as the RocketFins, are easy to fin with in a current, on the serface, i dunno, everywhere.
i dont have the cash for the Jets but when i will....
meanwhile, i use my trusty quatro's they are great
again, love the splits in quiet waters, maybe, i havnt had splits long enough to learn how to really use them as allisonfinch, you said?
i do have a conclusion though, Cant argue with personal preferance.