Today I was at Blue Grotto helping a fellow diver with their new drysuit. Blue Grotto is as it is as usual, BIG.

A lot of students there today and if you have been to blue before, you can imagine how silted up it got. The water is perhaps 6-10 feet lower than usual.
That seems to be the normal all around. On the way out from Blue Grotto, the team stopped by Devils Den to scope out the water level which has been reported to be very low.
WOW, I have never seen the water level so low.

The platform used to enter into the water are above the water. This would put the water level down about 6-10 feet. If you never have been to Devils Den, it's a nice place to check out at least once.

It is unfortunate that the water levels are so low across the state and its springs. Perhaps because of the lack of rain, or perhaps due to us pulling too much water from the aquafers and/or a combination of both.

I remember going to the springs and the water levels being very high and through the years, have slowly decreased to the levels they are today.