Hi! You already know my name, and I just signed up because this looked most promising for DIY ROV discussion!

I'm actually not a diver, but am working on building an ROV for fun. So far all I've done is construct an underwater camera enclosure that should be good to a few hundred feet (I've only tested it to ~120 feet in Lake Crescenthttp://maps.google.com/maps?q=lake+c...85301&t=h&z=12.)

The camera enclosure should also work for underwater flashlights. I use PVC pipe fittings.

I've also done some experiments with running brush-type DC motors enclosed in mineral oil and DOT5 silicon break fluid in order to prevent the pressure of depth from crushing the motor enclosure, but brush type motors cause gas generation and brush failure, so next I intend to try brushless motors.

I've also considered using a scuba tank to maintain ambient pressure inside my ROV enclosure so that the pressure inside will be equal (or maybe a few psi higher) then the water outside, so there will be no great pressure to go past my seals or to crush the body.

Anyway, it's nice meeting all of you! Hopefully ROV isn't too far off topic! Just let me know if it is.

Thanks & have a great day,
