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Thread: Review of 5d/5n Burma Liveaboard Dive Trip with AICD (Based in Ranong, Thailand)

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  1. #1
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    Thumbs down

    For my part, I will conclude this discussion by reiterating some of the facts that I stated in my original review, and which the replies in support of this deplorable organization failed to address specifically. Statements such as "I cannot recognise any of it" or "I must reject all what pipefish wrote" are easily made, but do not resolve any of these issues. For those who followed this discussion, here are the plain facts once again:

    1. We would normally have taken M-sized wetsuits, but found that the ones in the dive shop were too small. We were explained that they were "Asian sizes". There was only one L-size wetsuit in the dive shop, which did not properly fit either, but was more comfortable than the too small M. All the wetsuits were ripped at the bum (we sewed one of the big holes ourselves).

    2. AIDC operates the MV Thai Sea, which has 2 upper deck and 6 lower deck cabins accommodating 2 people each. All are the same price, despite considerable differences in comfort. We were assigned one of the lower deck cabins directly above the engine. The cabin stank of diesel fuel, and one could actually look at the engine through cm-wide slits in the wooden boards below our mattresses. The boat was full, so we could not change to another cabin. It was not possible for us to sleep in our assigned cabin due to the bad smell and noise. We would spend the nights outside, on the upper sun deck, but the maximum time of sleep we could catch was 5 hours per night due to winds, and waves splashing on the deck. During the day, unfortunately, there was no place to retreat to for the so much needed rest between dives. We were promised to have engines and generator shut down for the nights when the boat was anchored and not moving to the next dive site, but after the first night other customers complained about the heat without the generator-powered fans, so the generator was never swiched off again at night. We were boldly told that we could rest after our return to Ranong.

    3. The instructor was assigned to lead us and two other divers. On our first dive, my wife found that she required an additional weight, so we resurfaced after seconds. The instructor did not check for us until he reached 10 meters depth. Although he apparently resurfaced to look for us, he failed to locate us.

    4. For night dives, we were handed one torch each, and when asking if this was considered sufficient, the instructor joked about how we would be unable to handle 5 torches. One of our lights promptly failed underwater and one of us was handed the instructor's torch. Now we had a dive guide without a light... We had one more torch in our group on the next night dive, when, funnily, two of them failed.

    5. In the evenings, some of the divers on board showed their dive videos, some of which contained scenes like forcefully pulling a distressed moray out of its hiding place, or cutting off a starfish's leg to feed a harlekin shrimp, all to the great amusement of many including the AIDC management and staff.

    6. The boat was delayed for 2 days due to engine problems. Of course this can happen. However, there was no apology from AIDC, and no offer of a compensation for lost holiday time.

  2. #2
    Wreck Diving Moderator acelockco's Avatar
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    I really wish you had a better experience on your vacation. And honestly, at this point weather you were wrong, right or something in the middle I know I would not want to use AICD if I had the choice. No matter what the situation it is obvious that AICD did not try hard enough to make things right and are still arguing with you in regards to this.

    Bottom line is you are a paying customer and should get what you paid for. If AICD couldn't provide what you paid for, a refund is in order. If AICD doesn't like it, they should reconsider their business.

  3. #3
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    Not quite sure what your intentions are Pipefish but I think you have made your point. You should however learn to accept that other people may have a different view and experiences than yourself, as in any other way of life. I also think that the readers of your ongoing verbal onslaught ( in at least 5 different forums under different names) can make their own decision. AIDC has existed for a number of years now and if they were as terrible as you want to make them this would have rumoured in the diving community by now.

    The beauty of these forums are that anybody can have their say and be respected for that. A comparison may be Tripadvisor in the hotel world where readers can make their choice after reading several different opinions of the same hotel. The beauty of democracy and respect for opinions of others.

  4. #4
    Wreck Diving Moderator acelockco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeja26 View Post
    Not quite sure what your intentions are Pipefish
    I think he is trying to let everyone know how unhappy he was with the services that AICD provided. I know if I spent the kind of money Pipefish spent I would expect to get what was promised and what I paid for. Anything less then what was agreed upon is a breach of contract and a refund should be issued. It is not uncommon in any business to issue a refund if services can not be rendered as specified in contract. And that my friends is the true beauty of democracy and respect for others!

  5. #5
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    Quite agree but surely that statement has been made with different points of views from management and other divers on the same trip. His grief / problem should therefore be solved between him and management and not by going on in circles and putting down other peoples points of views, solely because they are different to his. I find it odd that the same trip can be described in two so different ways.
    He has made his point and it will not help trying to solve something in cyberspace and my suggestion is that he is crossing the border of respect towards others.
    Jens Erik. Dk

  6. #6
    Wreck Diving Moderator acelockco's Avatar
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    Obviously his problem was not solved between them and it is clear that the management doesn't want to take responsibility for their business and actions. AICD can always end this by making things right.

    On another note, you mentioned you find it odd that the same trip can be described in two so different ways. I don't find this odd at all. Everyone in the world is unique and their views on things are all different. If that were not the case we would not even be talking right now. I mean why would we if we all already had the same views?

    Saying that his complaints are invalid, crossing the border or disrespectful is absurd and makes me wonder if you are an employee or in some fashion being compensated for your posts here regarding this dispute.

    Anyway, bottom line AICD failed to deliver what was promised, which alone is enough to make divers avoid the operation. Add the fact that AICD did not make things right with their customer and STILL refuses to take responsibility will SURELY keep divers very far away from this operation.

    To take things even a step further, the 2nd line of AICD's web site says "We guarantee that you will enjoy your diving experience with us." Well where is that guarantee? AICD, put your money where your mouth is!

    And after looking at the video on their web site, I instantly knew this was some 2 bit operation. STAY CLEAR.

  7. #7
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    I think I will back off. No offence but you are not gettiing the point and I won´t waste your or aybody elses time because you are reading and interpreting the stuff in your way and you apparantley do not want to see the other side of the coin. You do as you choose.

    Just for the record I am not an employee. I am approx 8500 kilometers away from Thailand. My daughter is diving with AIDC at the moment on a 7 day trip. She is having a great time, everything according to plan, all arrangements (travel, lodging, visa run to Burma etc) by the book - no problem at all. I for one will be diving with AIDC in the future - I have no problem with that.
    Jens Erik. Dk

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