Encounter with Eight-Footer Is Caught on Tape; Men Describe Their Close Calls in Waters Off Maine

(CBS) Underwater videographer Scott MacNichol and his friend and fellow diver, Shaun Small, were shooting video Saturday of the effect of a nearby salmon farm on waters off Maine.

Shaun was in the boat while Scott was in the water with the camera.

Scott was nearing the end of a 20-minute session when he turned and saw an eight-foot porbeagle shark swimming at him. It got its mouth on his camera, which he used to fend the shark off.

Scott got it all on tape.

On "The Early Show" Friday, he told co-anchor Harry Smith he was "quivering all over" when he got back in the boat.

Then, about an hour later, Shaun - figuring there was no chance the shark would still be in the vicinity - went into the water to continue the video job. Mad move: the shark menaced him, as well.

The two told Smith all about it, as the amazing video that Scott took rolled.

Check out the URL for the video.......