I recommend Eilat- Israel, also, Aqaba Jordan, the jordanian side is almost untouched, look for Red Sea Dive Centre, guy named Abdulla Momany runs it, tell him Daniel from the IUI sent you. he gives excelant service.
In Eilat there are quite afew dive centres you can dive through, try Coral Sea Divers, Baracuda dive centre, and Manta-Red Sea Sport Club.
Baracuda is a very new and family like dive centre, run by Amnon Heine, great guy, all instructors there are very professional. i highly recomend it.
i could gtive you contact details for all centres above if you wish.
in Sinai there are the Camel centres, also very professional.
if you get to Israel, let me know, I'll take you diving to places divers do not go, places that only researchdivers have access to
hope this helped.