Most of the videos of screen shots of TSA doing their virtual strip searches via X-ray backscatter devices show quite the deliberately toned down images.

In this video, they deliberately toned down the resolution of the woman shown, and it looks like she has a type of underwear on that blocks x-rays.

But notice how the government agent zooms in on body parts?

Now look at the screen footage of the guy being strip searched and photographed. You can see his goods jiggling as he turns...

No self respecting guy will allow this type of x-ray abuse...especially if it is cold in the airport, lol

What the government is doing is marketing this device by toning down the resolution of what it will really see. It is just like making it illegal to drive while talking on cell phones. They start off by saying it was only a $25 fine...guess what it is a year later? $185!

-Airport Body scanner, with detailed genitalia shown