The TSA Propaganda Machine, who apparently hired former employees of the Pravda News Agency, along with public relations and marketing people for the manufacturers of these invasive imagers love to spew out a host of benign images of what government agents will see in the way of your nude bodies.

But the photos always seem to show someone carrying a gun under their clothes. Gee, how did they make it through the metal detector?!

But the reason behind those images is to make it look like it regularly catches airline travelers with guns on them.

They mislead people by claiming that ones' goods are digitally obscured. That would mean Al Qaeda would just put their weapons in their crotches, so we know such claims are more propaganda.

Below is one example of what the backscatter photos really look go ahead and remain silent while the government take nude kiddy porn pics of your children.

For guys, imagine the horror of being photographed nude like this.....if you are cold! lol.

Nude Backscatter Photo.jpg