The Atlanta Aquarium in Atlanta Georgia is one of the largest aquariums in the world, and they had 4 whale sharks, 2 of which dies in captivity before living out their expected lifespan, so they acquired to more.

The first set were part of a shark quota in Taiwan, so they were destined to be eaten, although we understand Taiwan now bans the practice of catching and eating whale sharks.

I came from a salt water reef tank background. Under the right conditions carefully created by someone with a lot of knowledge and care, marine animals can live full lives without fear of predation in large tanks, but they are also deprived of suitable mates. I still have mixed feelings, as humans have a great responsibility when buying marine animals to give them a life equal too or better than in the wild, and I think anything less then they should not be kept.

We are trying to confirm reports that they are soon offering scuba diving with whale shark encounters.

I am sure the Atlanta Aquarium does a great job of raising eco-awareness, but whale sharks in captivity?

Who gets to decide, and what at are your thoughts?


Georgia Captive Whale Shark.jpg