So many cool stories on and about this boat! Glen got a Navy accommodation for helping a Submarine that surfaced a few hundred yard from her out near Santa Barbra Island. The Coral Sea and her divers were on a lobster hunt and the Sub had a problem with Hull platting and Glen with his on board work shop was able to fabricate a repair! So he saved a US Submarine!

Or the time Glen and Zach headed to the waters off Columbia to treasure hunt like Glen's friend Mel Fisher for a Spanish ship that was reported in the area with 450 million in treasure! Well while searching for the wreck the Colombians seized the Coral Sea and crew and they were searched and detained until the state department could free them! The Colombians through a lot of their dive gear into the Harbor never to be seen again! One of the Colombian Sailors drowned in the harbor and Zach was asked to search for the guy, but never found him! He said his Spanish was very bad so he described trying to tell the officials and the Sailor's wife with hand gestures how to use a grappling hook to drag for the body. Well he demonstrated with a finger in his mouth like catching a fish and upset everyone! He decided that the treasure hunting business might not be such a goo deal. "If they put us through this for a few pieces of Pottery how would they react to 450 million in gold and silver?" and that was that.

The boat was sold to a Florida operator and seized in a drug rad and resold. To find out she is back in California waters was and is very satisfying to me and I am sure just another chapter in her tails of the sea!