Quote Originally Posted by JaneMitchell View Post
It might be a little bit colder than Queensland but I reckon you can't beat the diving out in Port Phillip Bay. Lonsdale wall is by far one of the best sites in Australia...now is the perfect time to dive it...but a drysuit might be in order
Although warm water and air temps make for much more enjoyable diving, there is surely much you will miss if you don't also dive in the cold. Drysuits make doing this a much more pleasant experience and I recommend that all divers at least consider trying out one sometime.

What are the features and creatures to see in Port Phillip Bay? Do you have any photos or videos of the area? If so, please feel free to share with us.


Oh, and welcome to our forum. I am sure I can speak for all of us here in wishing you a warm welcome. We really hope to see you here often.