
Smoothcam is one of the filters in Apple's Final Cut Pro. It to some degree stabilizes a shot by centering what is supposed to be center, so now the outside frame shakes around. To remove that, it digitally zooms in which causes a bit of a loss of resolution depending on how much it zooms in.

I am forgetting the Red and setting my sights on the vaporware Scarlet. At 3k and 120 frames per second, slo-mo would be good, and if one captured footage is shot optically zoomed out 50%, one could step on it harder in Smoothcam, so that if it digitally zoomed in 50%, you would in theory still be left with 1.5k resolution.

My housing is large, but I am not sure about the stability part....there is far more surface area to get pushed around by current and surge, I think one is better off perfecting technique....and the airlines are killing me on baggage.