The Community congratulates the Shark Safe project for organizing a large successful campaign and all the worldwide volunteers in using public pressure on the "Are You Man Enough Shark Challenge" in Fort Meyers, Florida to get them to switch to a 100% catch and release tournament.

"Today is a victory for sharks" says Lawrence Groth of Shark Safe, "Thanks to all those who showed their support by spreading the word, voting online, contacting tournament organizers and sponsors and speaking with Fort Myers Community Officials."

Shark Safe was planning a massive noisy protest, but after the Shark tournament agreed to something more eco-responsible, the scheduled protest rally will now be a scheduled celebration for sharks rally.



Meeting Location: Lynn Hall Park in Fort Myers Beach (walking distance from Snug Harbor where the tournament will be held).

Shark Safe is already beginning working on plans for next years tournament to help promote shark conservation and establish a tag and release program.

You can join Shark Safe on Saturday May 23 to celebrate this victory and educate the public.

Contact: 510-701-9084