I hear from lots of Kiss owners they are really pleased with their units. I personally am into macro videography so I am always intently looking for tiny critters, and when I spot one, I get into a total concentration zone...maybe that is good for videography, bad for rebreather monitoring, lol.

It is the Vision electronic's HUD always in front of my left eyeball that eliminates me from having to constantly check my po2, let alone periodically inject 02. I have no idea how often you Kiss owners actually have to inject 02 or visually monitor their p02 readout other than the standard on the books 60 seconds of the Classic Inspo dangling pendants, so perhaps some can chime in.

I was never a fan of their triple LCD readout pendant, but as Walt alluded to, now that I have seen for several years an interface with VR3's and other integrated p02 computers, that is no longer an issue.

I suspect that there is a certain level of familiarity and thus comfort with doing video on the unit you learned and were trained on, sort of like the Ford v Chevy argument.

I would prefer an HUD though with a small TV style screen like Pete Readey had on some of his Prism units. Far more info available, as this stuff about memorizing what all the different LED codes mean on the Vision HUD is for the birds.

By the way, I would not be doing video at 150' on any unit with a 3 liter or less onboard diluent cylinder at 150' without a slung bailout bottle.

Ultimately, features aside, the best rebreather for anyone is the one they feel the most comfortable with.