I dive a DUI CLx450...
Very Durable..

I decided on the diagonal front entry zipper... Easy to manage..
I had the back zipper, over the shoulders and hated it..

I chose the Rock Boots, because I didn't trust walking on the built on boot
and cutting into it.. Oops, there goes the 'dry' suit...

I also chose the Zip seals... for both the neck and wrists... A quick field
swap out should you tear a seal..
I've used Ace's method of dick tape. Didn't work too well, but I was able
to dive.. So it worked for the day..

I also bought custom made, verses the standard made.. Cost a little more
but it was cut for me.. Now $$ is a concern, I say rent.. Use Depends
and enjoy your experience with the suit..

Oh, and don't carry your cell phone in your dry suit... but that's another story..
