Truly sad. They were both magnificent creatures,
I visited the Aquarium shortly after it opened.
I strongly disagree with keeping large animals in Aquariums or any kind of enclosure.
I did find this aquarium made the effort to simulate a smaller but real marine environment.
Most enterprise claim that holding these beautiful creatures is for public education.
Unfortunately it's mostly for profit and greed.
When I visited the aquarium, I had the opportunity to speak to one of Jasper's attendants.
I was told he had come from an aquarium in Mexico and the fact that he had been badly treated was evident from scars all over his body.
He had much less body fat than the other whales
Nevertheless he seemed so happy of his new home and reacted well to being treated with kindness.
He seemed to be the happiest Beluga in the tank.
He was swimming, spinning and rolling and just plain having fun.
I guess it's all relative!
The extent of his injuries was severe, and at the time the keepers were happy with his recovery.
It seems that the months of mistreatment in Mexico finally took their toll.
The aquarium had great visibility because of the two Whale Sharks.
They are truly magnificient, and should never be confined to small spaces.
I have been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to dive with Whale Sharks on many occasions.
It is an amazing and humbling experience evry time.
I read of the death as well.
It was a very sad day.
