According to the posting itself, Florida Fish & Wildlife are on the case, we'll see if anything comes of it. Interesting that it states "several enthusiastic divers" whereas nobody in the video had scuba gear and only a couple of them even had a mask or fins on. My guess is it's just tourists who saw the animals, had little idea they were doing anything very wrong and so just jumped in to enjoy the moment. Hopefully they will see some comments regarding the posting and think twice next time. Who knows, maybe the Fish & Wildlife guys will have a few words.

Manatee Harassment Video Leads to Investigation
Last weekend, dozens of manatees jammed into the sanctuary at Three Sisters Springs, and some overflowed outside the sanctuary's protection. Several enthusiastic divers in the water for a manatee encounter grabbed at, walked on and rode some of the manatees - in violation of every state and federal rule aimed at protecting the marine mammals.

The video is prompting promises of new resolve from the agencies charged with keeping manatees safe. Kenneth Haddad, executive director for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, was pledged that the incident will be investigated.