As posted before by me, be ready for the personal attacks based on opinion and never any facts! Oldest tick in the book is to attack the messenger if you can't attack the message! Beware of fools with personal attacks and no facts to back them except "It's getting warmer" when it isn't or the "Ice is melting" when its not! The really good one is the "Sea is rising" and it isn't beyond it normal average! For we divers "The sea is getting so warm it's killing the reefs" NOT! They all bow to the god ALGORE and him leading them down the path like a modern day Pied Piper! Follow me to the land of socialism and state control! Just the world I want to live in! NOT! I would rather live in a world 20 degrees warmer than a day in paradise as a slave to the UN or some other repressive government controlled by the ALGORE's of the world!

Sell your gear and head for high country if you can afford the fuel to get there!