Again I agree that ddt might have never been harmful to humans but it did harm our earth and its animals. Just one interesting side note, ddt was found in purple die that the royal family had their clothes died in. The clothes that were died purple didn't get eaten by moths, and then ddt was discovered. There is a reason why ddt was banned in the US, and that’s because we didn’t need it. We had a handle over malaria and its negative effects outweighed its positive effects. With that said, we still produce ddt and export it to other countries. Just like the heavy metals it’s biologically magnified, meaning its concentration increases as you go up the food chain. A few other problems is that it’s resistant to breakdown, it’s evaporative, and it accumulates in fat. One specific animal it almost made extinct was the paragon falcons and other predatory birds. Even though ddt has been banned for years I know it’s still found on the sea floor cores in and around PV. I have some specific numbers I got from an environmental studies class that I’m in right now but I don’t feel like typing them in. Pretty much the FDA set a 5ppm standard that’s safe for humans but it’s found in a lot higher levels still today. I’ve always tried to stay as open minded as possible because there is always two sides to a story, but there is just overwhelming evidence of the negative effects of ddt here in the states. Usually the government has a good reason to ban something but sometimes they make mistakes case in point: smoking! I’m sure it’s a worse than ddt would be so why is it still allowed…… oh yea the money aspect!