I feel like I am Mrs. Schroeder's grade four class again. LOL

You were right that was a poorly written response.

In truth I had just awakened. and after reading " Papa Bear's" post I felt the urge to go on a rant of my own.

Now would you like to post your own opinion on the subject at hand or are you in fact Mrs. Schroeder returned to haunt my academic nightmares once again. LOL

What people fail to consider is that the earth naturally goes through cycles.
I'm all for polluting as little as possible and finding renewable sources of energy, and better ways of dealing with our waste. But let's use some common sense.

First let us consider that a theory is just an educated guess and just because a theory is accepted as plausible does not make it fact.
1) How do we know what the Hole in the OZONE layer was doing 30 yrs ago, we have only had the technology to monitor it for the past 10. It's a guess
2) If the world is so much warmer now, how did the Vikings farm in Iceland?

I'm old enough to remember David Suzuki ( Canada’s leading voice on climate change) having a special on CBC in the seventies. Exclaiming that mankind will have to learn to adapt to the new ice age. And he spent 2hrs supporting this theory with " Scientific facts about the Earth getting colder over the last 1000yrs and the polar caps are advancing at a rate of 35cm /yr and the glaciers have increased in size etc...Etc.etc.

So 30yrs later we have a new accepted theory that the climate is warming. And it has for the last 1000 yrs, but that the rate has increased in the last one hundred, and the Ice caps and the Glaciers, which have been receding since the last ice age, are increasing the rate of recession over the past 100yrs.

So now we have new popular "Theory" and all the environmentalists once again on the doomsday bandwagon.
1) The polar bears are disappearing!!!
Could this not be because in the last 100yrs man has been able to harvest the resources of the Arctic and been putting pressure and the habitat of the bear.
I could go on and on but won't.

And the Governments are worst. Every time they need support they come out with a new environmental plan. To help slow the warming of the earth and everyone buys into it. This is just Fear Tactics to rally support.

Hitler, Napoleon, Caesar, Genghis Khan have been some of the more notable users of the same tactics to rally support. But fear mongering has been a political tactic since the first man said give me your support and I will lead you, I know what is best for us.

The reason they do this is because if we are primarily worried about this. We don't worry about all the people killing each other in the streets, and the Family that is Starving and living in cardboard boxes. Or that they have messed up our countries (any country) through bad ideas, and bad policies. Here in Calgary it is the worst. Every time the City council wants to do something they know the population will not like they review the anti smoking law and get all the fanatics from both sides up in arms again, the media just eats this up as well. You can't read a paper or watch the news without seeing the issue. And when the smoke clears you read a little blurb on the 9th page or at the end of the news. How city council has given themselves a raise again or how my taxes will go up another 4%