Quote Originally Posted by iDiveChick View Post
Americans are the last to ask, the State Department punishes US citizen travelers to Cuba.
That's what they want you to think! It's only an economic embargo. So research, educational and nonprofits can go. You just need a special permit from the State Department. There are special flights from Miami, but most just connect through Mexico or Canada. To get the permit, you have to affiliate youself with some University and do some "research", or with a Church, Mission, red cross etc. There are actually quite a number of Americans there but they keep a low profle as many Cubans still have a distaste for the American Corporate-Government but NOT the American people.

The Cubans don't stamp your passport (not even Canadian ones) and it makes no difference to the Cuban Customs guy whether you're from the US or from Botswana

The main thing is taking on US Customs & Immigration when you get back! You have to prove that you didn't spend a penny in Cuba of your American earned money. If you can do that easily then you are able to come and go no problem. And they will not hassel you if you have the State Department issued permit. As for souvenirs and such, the same rule applies.