Quote Originally Posted by acelockco View Post
even Jersey line...which is a line you send up on a lift bag and attach to the wreck you are on so you can go up...in case you can not locate the anchor line.) or in a total emergency, I could drop a little of my weight.
Are you telling us that you are considering carrying a Jersey line but not a BC because the BC is too bulky???

Help me, I don't follow the reasoning?

I dive a rebreather ie,I have a first air compartment ther. I compensate 100% with my dry suit while diving yet stll have aBC. Why? Beacause dry suits tend to leak in certain positions and situations. The neck seal tends to leak when I'm vertical.

Other aspects where exposed before, it is not necessary to repaet these points. Referrong to diving practices going back to the ice age is pointless. Safety features have changed, the way we approach safety has too. Do you militantly stand against the use of seat belts in cars, against fire detectors and for the quality of life that smoking brings to all smokers?

If your BC is too big and is combersome, change it for a more appropriate one. It may be more useful than to look for an upline when the **** its the fan at the bottom of the quarry.

Just my opinion.