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View Full Version : The Blue hole Dahab Egypt

07-12-2007, 07:26 PM
Having lived and worked in many parts of the Red Sea I deemed it time to drive up to dive dahab and dive the Arch. For those of you that are unaware Dahab is one of the tech divers Mecca's.

My poor car was loaded up with 2 twins 20/35 and 4 stages and the rest of the kit, the drive up was uneventfully apart from the site of a land rover the had come of the track as you approach the dive site it was now sitting on top of the reef.

We dropped down to 58m in the blue hole and then swam out through the arch excellent viz 40m+ once out of the arch a quick look around we then turned back to go back in to the blue hole.

Extremely pretty dive, but the best was to come sitting on a deep stop at 42m looking towards the arch in cruses a thresher shark heading directly at me it turns just before me then circles both my of us and cruises back out.

Nothing eventful on the stops, apart from idiot italian child grabbing hold of my buddies DSMB and yanking on it and trying to pull him up !

Quick bit of lunch 3hrs surface interval then drive back to Sharm commenced this was extremely comical for us any way, between Sharm and Dahab you drive through a mountain range for about 30mins elevation about 2500 meters the drive takes about 50 minutes. So we decided rig our stages with the 100% o2 on the floor in the back of the car with long hoses attached for the drive back, just as a precaution. Approaching the cheque point with regs in our mouths must have been a site!

So if you are in Sharm and are a tech diver why not try a day in Dahab !

What a fantastic dive !
