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View Full Version : Vets, Friday Morning 6 July

07-07-2007, 03:58 PM
2.. Date: 6 August -07
3.. Location: Veterans Park, Redondo Bch
4.. Gas: Michelin
5.. Purpose of Dive: Training/Fun
6.. Weather Conditions: Overcast and 75 degrees
7.. Surf: whipping and bone crushing
8.. Swell: moderate
9.. Surge: moderate
10.. Currents: southerly and strong at 1.5 knots, heck of a walk back to the stairs
11.. Water Temperature at Surface: 70F
12.. Temperature at Bottom: 61F
13.. Visibility: 5 at 30 fsw, opened up to 10-15 at 100 fsw
14.. Maximum Depth: 100 fsw
15.. Dive Duration: 75 minutes
16.. Team mates: Milo Clark & David Watson
17.. Comments: All of us went out in doubles and got slapped as we faced 7-10 foot rollers going in. No drama, but definitely potential to get spanked and lose equipment with less experienced divers. I got my bell rung. Dropped at 19 fsw, formed the team, and proceeded down the canyon. Thermocline determined visibility. As we all know, nuthin to see at Vets during the daytime. So visited the Monument, played around with an Octopus and Sarcastic Fringehead for a good 10 minutes each, and then deployed a SMB and did a rolling blue water ascent (more like pea soup water) from 70 fsw with one minute stops at 50-40-30-20-10-5-3 and then surfaced. We realized that we had been pushed almost to Topaz Street and the break wall. So we took a heading and then descended to 64 fsw to fin back to the stairs.

Time for Honduras or Bonaire!

Dive safely all!
Barefoot Ahead,

Hoping this finds you diving and thriving in 2007!