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View Full Version : Ohhhh, the Magic Continues. . . BFB in San Diego . .

06-21-2007, 03:18 PM
. . . . we are chartering the SPANK BRAND NEW Humboldt to Wreck Alley on Saturday, 21 July 2007!

Mornin' my SM Fandamily:

First, I want to say again THANK YOU for a flawless and DRAMALESS second charter to beautiful FARNSWORTH on Ray's Sundiver of 10 June!

Thanks to Nick: http://nickambrose.com/diving/movies/farnsworth-june-10-2007-web.mov

Thanks to Jeff: http://socalue.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=176#176

Secondly. . . .

From now on, all BFB charters will be limited load. You will have elbow room.

We will go to the seldom visited places that YOU want to go.

And as always, there will be NO DRAMA!

So, the magic continues. . . .

Our next trip will be to Wreck Alley in San Diego, on or about Saturday, 21 July 2007. As we have folks (like myself) driving from the SF Valley, the boat departs at 12:00 pm and returns at twilight 7:00 pm.

You will be treated to an unlimited gates three dive day. . . and y'all, as many of us have discussed. . . There will be a welcome surprise this next charter in the pampering department!

There will be only 16 spots available. BFB is always LIMITED LOAD, and UNLIMITED gates. . .
Don't you deserve to be treated like an honored guest, rather than like cattle?
Don't you deserve to be pampered?

Are you Crazy. . .Sexy. . . Blue!

All for $130.00!

Thank you for being a part of this grand experiment!

Please PM me here, OR email me at: admin@barefootblue.com OR give me a call at 818 919 8433. . . . welp. . . . we are waiting!

As always, resort-like treatment in the Pacific!