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Davao Diver
05-04-2007, 06:29 AM
I am an Norwegian Instructor based in Davao City. I have lived in the Phillipines for almost 2 years and enjoy it very much.

Not necesarily cause its a beautiful city or cause I daily face death driving around on my Honda 200, Not even cause the air is cleaner than Manilla.. I really hope it is though...:)

I do however think it is cause people here are great! And even if I obvioulsy dont know how to drive, cause I now and then face the hard truth of eating gravel and what else is found on concrete roads.. I am happy to say that driving the way i do here, would have gotten me in prison for lifetime in any country in Europe..
But this was not going to be about driving, I do also spend quite a bit of time underwater with students and without them, I enjoy both even if my camera at the moment is ..not working..:eek: which is extremely annoying..passing by Ghost pipefish number 10, seahorse number 2 and the flambuoyant cuttlefish...

We have freedom to dive here and its cheap. Most divers know eachother as good friends or by name and face.

I am fairly new to diving, but have learned from the best..:o and for being as young as I am ..like to think so anyway..:D I considder myself an good diver and responsible Instructor..

Too much...

Thats me. Looking forward to read your inputs and make some contributions myself.


05-04-2007, 08:54 AM
welcome aboard DD! :D

have you met World Wide Diver? they're in Davao too... (here's their link)
Greetings from Davao, Mindanao - ScubaMagazine.net Forum (http://www.scubamagazine.net/showthread.php?t=645)

as for me, i was born in Davao but raised in Manila. my parents use to live in Green hills subd., Catalunan Pequeno. :D

Davao Diver
05-04-2007, 09:12 AM
Vaguely and briefly everyday I bump into my neighbours, WWD.. thanks for that, we are all diving buddies. :-) and live up on Bacaca Rd, El Rio.

Enjoying the wonders of Davao Gulf.!

05-04-2007, 09:27 AM
i can't wait to visit Davao someday and hopefully my family and i would get the chance to dive w/ you guys... :D maayong kinabuhi para sa inyo tanan... ;) :D

05-04-2007, 10:59 AM
Welcome Davao Diver!
Davao is my usual entry-exit point (from Manila) to visiting my parents who are based in Bislig. All those years of spending a day and a night in that city (before setting off again) yet I've never even been underwater there. And then I hear from WWD that there are some fantastic sites and, apparently, a thriving diving community. Good to find some references/connections through this forum.

P.S. It's a good thing you don't drive in Manila! I'm reminded of the motorbike public transport there called "skylab" - now that's living dangerously!

Davao Diver
05-07-2007, 01:45 AM
As we are talking about driving and diving it was quite interesting to turn out on Torres st saturday evening. The rain caused a... mess without comprehension. As i found myself driving in the middle of the road ..I think...:eek: I was almost knocked over by waves!! caused by fire trucks driving towards me and passing me on the way... road...I think...

Luckily I made it back home befor I had to start swimming...

Went diving for real...! yesterday and had a great day althoug being sunburned on my elbows...

You should all most defineately give davao A chance as you either pass by here or come and stay for a few days.

Diving here is great!

Good day to you all.