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View Full Version : What's up with that?!

05-02-2007, 02:57 PM
I just posted an inductee of the Women Divers Hall of Fame, but considering I am the one who lobbied and got the Manly Man forum here so you guys can sit around and talk about your prostate issues, I got to thinking and decided to go see if there was a Men Divers Hall of Fame.

Well I found an International Divers Hall of Fame, but you guessed it, there were women in it which is fine.

Guys, I am with you on this one, I have no idea why women seem to make such a big issue over gender.....If there was a Men Only Divers Hall of Fame, Gloria Allred would sue and there would be a Congressional Inquiry and the media pundits would be hissing and clucking about women hitting "the glass ceiling" and the evil patriarchy.

Guys, can I get an "Amen" on that?! ;)

05-02-2007, 05:10 PM
hahahahahaha ... I will deny laughing at that ... :cool:

05-07-2007, 03:01 PM
And Segolene Royal is whining that she couldn’t get a majority of women to vote for her, while Roger Williams University has censored a group for offering a White Heritage Scholarship. PC has run amok and women should be insulted when they are referred to as a minority when they make up over 50% of the population.

05-09-2007, 08:35 PM
AMEN! Don't get me wrong I LOVE WOMEN, but it was nice to have a place were you could let it all hang out. PC sucks, I can only imagine what life lessons we are denying our children because some poor fool in the middle of nowhere may feel bad. Feeling bad is what got me off my butt and get out there. Getting beat at a game made me try harder and win a few. (It also taught me how a good sportsman should act) Now we don't even keep score.

I just heard this morning on Bob & Tom that some actor has to announce to the audience that his play fetures a roasted chicken. This is so any vegatarians will not get upset.

Oops I am ranting and I could go on pointlessly for a very long time, but I have to go now.

I will close by saying I do not believe in name calling and I will respect all religiuos beliefs. However failure, used wisely can be a great teacher. Never being allowed to fail is like never taking off the training wheels.

I am prepared to be flamed now...

05-10-2007, 04:30 AM

But then again, if there weren't so many f*$%ing lawyers ready to pounce over ANYTHING (which remember is ONLY about his/her bank account, not ethics), none of this would really even matter. I agree that women should be insulted, but it doesn't seem to matter (the double standard). Lawyers don't give a hoot because they walk away with a check - and, well, isn't that really what todays world is about?

I say if women want to start clubs ONLY for women, why not call 'em lesbian clubs. This way no one pays any attention. Otherwise, making a stink about mens clubs becomes the achilles heel for what women were trying to achieve to begin with. Hmm, but I say again - it isn't REALLY about equality, is it.

Women like to see men as stupid anyway, why did they ever even want to join mens clubs to begin with?

Same double standard exists with these female teachers boppin the male students. Sure they get reemed publicly, but not quite to the degree a man would if he does the same with a female student. "He" is considered a 'rapist', while "she" has 'emotional problems'. err, not very logical.



10-24-2007, 07:45 AM

But then again, if there weren't so many f*$%ing lawyers ready to pounce over ANYTHING (which remember is ONLY about his/her bank account, not ethics), none of this would really even matter. I agree that women should be insulted, but it doesn't seem to matter (the double standard). Lawyers don't give a hoot because they walk away with a check - and, well, isn't that really what todays world is about?

I say if women want to start clubs ONLY for women, why not call 'em lesbian clubs. This way no one pays any attention. Otherwise, making a stink about mens clubs becomes the achilles heel for what women were trying to achieve to begin with. Hmm, but I say again - it isn't REALLY about equality, is it.

Women like to see men as stupid anyway, why did they ever even want to join mens clubs to begin with?

Same double standard exists with these female teachers boppin the male students. Sure they get reemed publicly, but not quite to the degree a man would if he does the same with a female student. "He" is considered a 'rapist', while "she" has 'emotional problems'. err, not very logical.



Dear phrenicnerve,

Whilst I empathise with some your sentiments (mostly your feelings with regards to lawyers), I can't begin to tell you how many things in your post are upsetting to me as a woman!

Anyway - all us girls want is to be treated with respect - especially when undertaking activities considered to be male orientated.

There are things that women will never be able to do, for example pee standing up (we can try, but it just gets messy) and it is unlikely that you'll see a woman playing the in Super Bowl. But you may yet get a woman President, or major league football coach. These women will have had to work a million times harder than their male peers to make it, and it is likely that if they make a mistake it'll be blamed on their 'time of the month' or hormones or some such thing!

I own a dive shop, and I don't know any other dive shops owned and operated by a woman. I dive everyday, but I still have to come home and run my home as well. (My husband 'helps', but he works full time too, and he's just too tired to worry about grocery shopping and cooking dinner, laundry, ironing etc...etc...etc...married ladies you will understand what I'm getting at here - love him dearly though! ;) ) What I'm trying to say is that being a girl is not all about shopping, and shoes and bling - and not all women are completely devastated if they break a nail (although it is quite upsetting some times!).

When a women has the strength to excel within an arena usually dominated by men it should be recognised and celebrated.

By the way, in my experience the majority of Men Only clubs are an excuse to exclude - Women orientated clubs and organisations are used to promote, educate and celebrate.

Kay Wilson,
St. Vincent, WI

10-24-2007, 12:19 PM
Someone said Lesbian clubs...?

10-24-2007, 12:37 PM
I say if women want to start clubs ONLY for women,

there are some around - it's called Ann Summers ;)

10-24-2007, 01:44 PM
Someone said Lesbian clubs...?

Are men reincarnated lesbians?

I think I might be a lesbian, I certainly like most of the same things? :)

10-25-2007, 12:11 AM
Are men reincarnated lesbians?

I think I might be a lesbian, I certainly like most of the same things? :)

I'm not, I extremely dislike lesbians.

10-25-2007, 01:35 AM
Do you like their videos...?

10-25-2007, 03:12 AM
I'm not, I extremely dislike lesbians.

Hey guys and gals I come to this forum to chat with other divers about diving, so, no offense .....but I really don't think this type of chat is appropriate....I'm sure there is lot's of free space open on the skinhead web forum.

10-25-2007, 03:27 AM
Hey guys and gals I come to this forum to chat with other divers about diving, so, no offense .....but I really don't think this type of chat is appropriate....I'm sure there is lot's of free space open on the skinhead web forum.

the-men-that-extremely-dislike-them dot com

There. Happy?

10-25-2007, 04:27 AM
Do you like their videos...?

No I do not!

10-25-2007, 04:30 AM
Hey guys and gals I come to this forum to chat with other divers about diving, so, no offense .....but I really don't think this type of chat is appropriate....I'm sure there is lot's of free space open on the skinhead web forum.

Fortunately or unfortunately (depends on how you look at it) on internet forums people have freedom to say things that are on their mind. Of course the moderators usually keep things in check. That being said, when you log on and read the threads, there may be things you are not interested in, or are off the topic, or that you do not agree with. Even though that may be the case, the rest of the members may not feel that way.

You however do have the choice not to read every thread, especially the ones you don't want to. If you see something you don't like, you have the choice to respond or to stop reading and move on to the next subject.

10-25-2007, 07:35 PM
Lottie the Moderator is going to make a post here about where this thread appears to be going, so we're going to ask that all refrain from further comments at the moment.

10-25-2007, 09:45 PM
Maybe we need a non-female moderator as well, just to cover all of the bases.

10-25-2007, 10:39 PM
Maybe we need a non-female moderator as well, just to cover all of the bases.

Regardless of sexual preference, preference of the sexes and in deference to all sexes, the stated intent of this forum is to discuss scuba diving and the myriad of issues associated with this consuming sport. If I choose to indulge in other issues, I will venture to the realm that entertains that subject matter. I come here to have a discourse relating to diving. Your views on other subjects, topics, or entertainment are not necessarily for this particular forum. There is no limit to age limit (that I am aware of), and if there is, that does not mean that under age individuals could not benefit from the topics discussed within this forum. Let's bare that in mind as we interact with the various members.

Freedom to expression is not a guarantee, and freedom to post any content is not the right of any mature adult. Freedom has responsibility, and no responsibility is not freedom. Lets be mature adults and conduct ourselves in that vain.

Now back to whether or not peeing in my wetsuit is acceptable! :eek:

10-26-2007, 12:26 AM
I'll swap your colloqualism for my dumpster dive (or should that be a dive in a mud hole) and raise you a p-valve, thats hopefully not in a wetsuit, especially at DEMA, where hopefully there's no regulator recalls which depends on the user titles that we need.

Breathe in, Breathe out...move on....NEXT !!! :D :D :D

The Publisher
10-26-2007, 01:02 AM
I thought iDiveChick did a decent job of humorously representing the male perspective.

Maybe we need a non-female moderator as well, just to cover all of the bases.

What am I, a Eunuch?!?!!?


10-26-2007, 09:58 PM
... Breathe in, Breathe out...move on....NEXT !!! :D :D :D

Kinda hard to do when you're holding your breath 10 meters under the surface while freediving... ;)

10-26-2007, 10:01 PM
or 30 meters...

10-26-2007, 10:20 PM
LOL - well, I try to avoid those depths when shooting video while freediving. I like to have as much available light as possible - besides, the majority of the time here in the PacNW, it gets pretty friggin dark at those depths.

I'm seriously contemplating the notion of a winter residence in warmer climes.

10-26-2007, 11:29 PM
Yeah, plus it's too damn cold...

10-27-2007, 12:03 AM
I'm seriously contemplating the notion of a winter residence in warmer climes.

I have a spare room up for rent if you're interested?? :) :) :)

10-27-2007, 12:48 AM
What are we talking about here?

10-27-2007, 12:54 AM
i think we are talking about not being able to breathe in and breathe out when one is holding their breath and diving in warmer climes (like the caribbean for instance)

HTH ;)

10-27-2007, 02:11 AM


10-29-2007, 01:25 AM
The title of this section of the forum is "Rants, Meltdowns, Beefs & Opinion - Want to get something off your chest."

Now I'm no big city lawyer but I don't think that implies it has to be specifically about diving. After all it is in the same section of the forum as the "Non Diving" bit and should be changed to "Want to get something about diving related things off your chest." should diving only subjects be required?

I would have thought that anything goes provided the forum moderators are happy enough with it and to put it bluntly "if you don't like it then don't read it". Perhaps using some of that moral judgement to allow others who are having fun (we were having fun weren't we?) to continue doing so.

No offence intended (if the words read as being aggressive). It's just my POV.

10-29-2007, 04:26 AM

I am 100% with you on that one.

12-26-2007, 11:37 AM
Hey guys and gals I come to this forum to chat with other divers about diving, so, no offense .....but I really don't think this type of chat is appropriate....I'm sure there is lot's of free space open on the skinhead web forum.
