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View Full Version : Check out dive Morrison Springs fla

04-21-2007, 11:27 PM
Well I just got back from playing in the pool..... fine tuning buoyancy before the trip.... the fiancé is going for her O/W in May and the instructor said I could go along and dive with them and wanted to check out my skills after being dry awhile....hell it was kinda fun actually with all those young college kids in the pool trying to get their acts together... I thought I would need some time to get my weights right but my estimations for the new gear were on the money so I started to "play" by performing the check out skills he had on the slate......I guess I am kinda stooopid but I am glad I did it... never missed a lick until I started laughing u/w......not generally a good thing.....
Anyhow we will be going to Morrison springs for her check out dive and then on a boat the second day... can't wait it is good to be back in the saddle again..