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View Full Version : Florida Springs alert!!

04-17-2007, 07:44 PM
It has come to my attention that the legislators in Florida are getting set to take action that will strongly impact the local springs in a very negative way.

This session, conservationists were excited with the prospect that legislation was being written that would finally help protect the fresh water springs of Florida. Two bills were making their way through the Florida House and Senate (1 each), that were to set protections in place for the water quality, testing, and such. Unfortunately the House bill was ammended last week with wording that would make it a ANTI-SPRINGS LEGISLATION!!! It now appears that the Senate bill will be similarily altered on Wednesday.

The web site: http://audubonaction.org/campaign/springs/ has more information and also a petition that can be sent by using e-mail,first and last names only.

I know that there are many outside this geographical area, but for anyone who has been honored with the true pleasure of diving in these wonderful springs, to have this wonderful resource further abused is difficult to accept and should not be done so without challenge. We can not let this get any further, so please take a minute and help save this invaluable resource.