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View Full Version : hello....

04-13-2007, 04:55 AM
Hello everyone! I've only been diving for litteraly a week (I recieved my certification less than 2 weeks ago) and hearing about people who have been diving for 20 plus years is kind of intimidating. But I hope to learn from them. I was introduced to diving by my father who's been diving for a few years and was sick of ending up with dive partners whom he didn't completly trust. Before I started diving I was in the navy for 4 1/2 years. I wish i could've been diving then because I missed out on some excellent dive locales. Thats all I've got to say, for now. See ya in the water, and don't forget to pressurize your regs (very embarassing).

04-13-2007, 02:20 PM
Hey bwb! So what do you think of diving so far?

04-13-2007, 02:54 PM
I think anyone who has been diving for any decent length of time has forgotten to turn on their cylinder valve.....

Diving is a hobby, and a tremendously experiential past time....I haven't been diving all that long either but experienced people shouldn't intimidate you at all, we're all just hobbyists who sometimes make a living off it. :)

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