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03-11-2007, 10:04 PM
I was at the LIDS (London Int Dive Show) on Saturday and attended the ADUS seminar/presentation. I forget what ADUS stands for BUT it is a technique for sonar scanning wrecks with much higher definitions than anything seen before. In the Jan edition of DIVER magazine (in the UK) they showed the results of the scans of the big wrecks in Scapa Flow.

Anyway, if you are intrerested, log onto www.wrecksight.com where there is a free to download softwear and you will get sent the results of one of these scans + the results of of the Scapa Flow scans. You can virtually fly over the or wreck rotate it etc etc.

I'm just off to download it myself ....... I can't wait for them to do some of the wrecks in my area.

They are hoping for as many divers as possible to register.

ps: You need Win XP and Mac user need .... read the secon paragraph on the home page! :)

If you do try it out, please post what you think of the results.

[EDIT]The download has now been fixed and all required files will be present.

03-11-2007, 10:36 PM
ADU stands for Archeological Diving Unit at the University of St Andrews.

What an interesting website, and even more interesting 3D images.

Great find Finless!

03-11-2007, 11:13 PM
Oh yes, another thing they will be doing is colour coordinating the dots so dots of the same colour are the at the same depth. We will be able to pick two dots on the wreck and get given the distance between them and ........