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View Full Version : Top Ten TSA Whoppers

The Publisher
11-11-2010, 02:40 AM
As we find these we'll add them.

6. "We've taken steps to protect passenger privacy by blurring their genitals and faces on the monitor".

Like this (http://rupture.co.uk/Images/big/terminal4-LARGE.jpg)?

7. "We don't have 8 years olds on the no-fly list (http://www.tsa.gov/404.shtm)"

The reason why the above link to the TSA response claiming they don't have an 8 year old on the no fly list is because they were caught lying once again as seen here (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/14/nyregion/14watchlist.html) and here (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,289330,00.htm). Maybe they were parsing their words because what they really meant was no 8 year old, because she is a 6 year old little girl on the no-fly list (http://www.fox8.com/news/wjw-news-westlake-ohio-six-year-old-no-fly-list,0,1122601.story)

8. “Use of advanced imaging technology is optional to all passengers.”

And if you don't select that option, they will humiliate you by shouting out loud enough for everyone to hear "We have an opt-out!!!!" at which point they will demand to grope your breasts and genitals as payback.

9. “Advanced imaging technology cannot store, print, transmit or save the image...,”

TSA REQUIRES as a condition of the purchase contract with the porn scanning manufacturers that they capture, store and can transmit nude images as can be seen in their [rocurement document (http://epic.org/foia_1/gov20/TSA_Procurement_Specs_04_15_10.pdf). The TSA got caught in that lie when the Electronic Privacy Information Center filed a Freedom of Information demand and TSA lie that they continue to use was exposed.

EPIC has filed another FOI demand with the TSA to turn over the REAL images the porn scanners take instead of the ones TSA posts on their website, the ones that are made tiny, and the resolution reduced for propaganda purposes. In violation of law, the TSA is violating the law by refusing to cooperate, something they demand of passengers but apparently they don't think laws and rules should apply to them.

10. "TSA holds its employees to the highest professional standards,"

Professional standards like being convicted child molesters, spilling passenger ostomy urine bags onto the passenger, stealing passenger luggage contents, being convicted felons, being illegal aliens, demanding women passengers remove their breast prosthesis, grabbing the genitals of passengers, from adult to underage little kids, catcalling buxom female passengers, deliberately selecting slim curvacious female young passengers for porn scanners, physically putting their hands down passengers pants and groping their genitals, interfering with and bullying passengers who are taking photos or filming which is perfectly legal, retaliating against passengers next trip around who filed complaints against them, refusing to follow their own guidelines regarding screening breast milk and putting the mother in a cage with a hidden camera, all to humiliate her in front of other passengers, all long enough till she missed her flight as payback.

11-11-2010, 07:01 AM
I don't know how this fits, but I will post it anywayhttp://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=54193